Notes on warranty
The terms defined in the purchase
agreement apply. Claims for compen-
sation related to damage are excluded
from the terms of warranty when the da-
mage is the result of failure to observe
regulations concerning service and
maintenance. Maintenance work must
be performed by authorized Hako ser-
vice centers and confirmed in the
“Maintenance Report” which serves as
a warranty logbook.
The following are excluded from the
terms of warranty: wear and tear
through overuse, defective fuses, im-
proper handling and use or unauthori-
zed modifications. Claims under the
terms of warranty are also annulled
when damage occurs to the vehicle re-
sulting from the use of parts or accesso-
ries not explicitly approved by us or
from failure to observe maintenance re-
Handover of the machine
Inspect the vehicle immediately on deli-
very for signs of transport damage. Re-
placement will be made when confir-
mation is provided immediately by the
freight carrier with regard to the dama-
ge and the damage report is sent to our
authorized sales partner together with
the consignment note.
Conditions for approval
The Hako-Jonas 1500 is an automotive
machine within the terms defined in the
Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
(FZV §2, previously StVZO §18).
On request, the manufacturing plant
can enclose a report with which to ac-
quire the vehicle type approval. This re-
port is used by the local vehicle
registration office to produce a valid ve-
hicle registration license (Vehicle Regi-
stration Certificate, Part 1).
An official license number is not neces-
sary. A general inspection in accor-
dance with § 29 StVZO (road traffic
licensing regulation) is not required eit-
her because the vehicle is designed for
a top speed under 20 kph. In accor-
dance with the StVZO, the vehicle must
carry a first-aid kit, warning triangle and
the vehicle registration license when
used on public roads, paths and pede-
strian precincts.
If any attachments or conversions are
made on the Hako-Jonas 1500, which
affect the equipment described in the
vehicle registration license and are not
mentioned in the vehicle registration li-
cense, the license becomes invalid. To
acquire a new vehicle registration licen-
se, the vehicle must be presented to an
officially accepted expert to produce a
new report. The report becomes the of-
ficial vehicle registration license when
the vehicle registration office applies
the applicable stamp.
Driving license
In accordance with the provisions on
driving licenses, a person who intends
to drive a motor vehicle constructed
with a top speed in excess of 6 kph on
public roads, paths and pedestrian pre-
cincts, must be in possession of a valid
driving license. Drivers of the Hako-Jo-
nas 1500 require a driving license for
automotive agricultural machines up to
25 kph (Class L or higher).