Button for squeegee and
suction turbine
(Fig. 17/10)
This button serves
to switch the suction turbine on
and off with simultaneous low-
ering and raising of the squeegee. If the
function is active, the green control
lamp lights up.
This button must also be
pressed when working with op-
tional tools connected to a suc-
tion hose. Operating personnel
must not be seated on the driv-
er's seat in this case (seat con-
tact is bypassed). Only the
suction turbine is activated at
this point, the squeegee re-
mains raised.
solution supply
(Fig. 17/11)
solution con-
sumption used during cleaning can be
regulated in seven stages. Accordingly,
there are seven green control lamps on
the keypad. Each lamp relates to one
stage. The maximum quantity which
can be used for cleaning is 5.5 l/min (all
seven lamps are on). The minimum
quantity is 1.25 l/min (only the left lamp
is on). The last solution quantity select-
ed is always used. When the scrubbing
program is switched on for the first time,
a solution quantity of approx. 3.5 l/min
is automatically set.
Button to reduce solution
(Fig. 17/12)
The button serves
to reduce the solution quantity
supplied to the brushes. The solution
quantity can be reduced in seven stag-
es (see above). The selected stage re-
mains programmed (last station
memory) even if the vehicle is switched
off temporarily.