Vacuum Check
(Check of nozzle clogging and suction force)
During suction, the gauge indicating sucking status is shown at the lower side
of the screen.
When “CHK” appears and you notice that the sucking force is weakening,
perform “Vacuum Check”.
1. Move the cursor to select “Vacuum Check”. After selecting, press <ENT>.
2. Pull the trigger.
3. When “Clogging” appears, perform cleaning and replace filters.
Suction gauge
Sign of clogging
S e t T e m p
O f f s e t T e m p
V a c u u m C h e c k
680゚ F
00゚ F
< E X I T >
V a c u u m C h e c k
P u l l T r i g g e r
< E X I T >
V a c u u m C h e c k
P u l l T r i g g e r
< E X I T >
V a c u u m C h e c k
P u l l T r i g g e r
C l o g g i n g
No degradation in sucking force
Degradation in sucking force
4. Select <EXIT>, and press the <ENT> button to return to the selection screen.
5. OPERATION (continued)
Preset Temp
(Setting of each preset temperature)
1. Move the cursor to select “Preset Temp”. After selecting, press <ENT>.
Select the preset No. whose temperature setting you wish to change.
2. Entering from hundreds to units digit
Press the <
> or <
> to set the desired figure.
Press the <ENT> button to advance to the next digit.
Only values from 6 to 8 can be selected when entering the hundreds digit.
mode, values from 3 to 4 can be selected.)
Values from 0 to 9 can be selected when entering the tens or units digits.
(The same values can be selected in
3. After entering the units digit, press the button to save the figure to the system
memory and begin heater control with new setting temperature.
4. To exit from each setting screen, scroll the screen, select <EXIT>, and press the
<ENT> button.
If power is switched off or lost during the execution of this procedure, no data
will be entered. The entire procedure must be repeated from step 1.
O f f s e t T e m p
V a c u u m C h e c k
P r e s e t T e m p
00゚ F
P 1 T e m p
P 2 T e m p
P 3 T e m p
660゚ F
750゚ F
840゚ F
P R E S E T 1
T e m p S e t
60゚ F
P R E S E T 1
T e m p S e t
6 0゚ F
P R E S E T 1
T e m p S e t
66 ゚ F
P 2 T e m p
P 3 T e m p
< E X I T >
750゚ F
840゚ F
The temperature range is from 620 to 850
. (330 to 450
If you enter a value outside the temperature setting range, the display returns to
the hundreds digit, and you have to enter a correct value.