Enter operation mode:
step 1:
press and hold the “Test” push
button for 5s
step 2:
enter the operation code (CE) using
navigation push buttons (code 4000
step 3:
press “validation” push button
Exit operation mode:
Press and hold the “Test” push button for
5s or automatic exit without action during
around 2 min
Navigate in operation mode:
• Press “Test” push button to access different
• Press “validation” push button to activate
required function
operation mode architecture
this mode allows in manual mode (not padlocked) to
start a test off load. In automatic mode, it allows to start
a test, on or off load.
test off load (accessible in aut / modes)
It can be activated from:
• operation mode
• interface man / machine
• programming input (tFL) if selected.
this test is made for applications where emergency source
is typically a genset (priority source must be source )this
test can be activated, in automatic mode, changeover switch
in position , source available.
• this mode will start and stop remotely genset operation with-
out load transfer
• Genset is started and stopped
• the test is not possible during an automatic sequence
Keypad activation
After operation mode access, press mode push button to
make the test off load led blinking and validate to start the
1 2
test on load (access ible in aut mode)
1 2
It is activated from:
• operation mode
• interface man / machine
• programming input (tOL) if selected.
• this test simulates a loss of priority source situation.
the sequence generates load transfer from priority
source to ceafterbackupsourcestartupoperation (in
case of genset). the return sequence always keeps
manual re transfer feature activated (from priority
source availability).
• All timers are counted down.
Keypad activation
After operation mode access, press mode push button
to make test on load led blinking and validate to start a
cycle. the test is only possible in automatic mode, the
changeover switch in priority source position, priority
source being available.
Keypad or remote operation
Remote activation via specific input
It is also possible to start a test on load remotely with
the programming input tOL if selected. the cycle
is started from contacts closure. the re-transfer is
initiated from contacts opening.
Automatic cycle keeps priority.
Start gen relay is closed if source
has priority.
the re-transfer from emergency source to priority
source is blocked and only authorized after manuel
retransfer validation
Manual retransfer to validate on keypad. In retransfer
sequence from emergency source to priority source,
the MRt count down is set to 10 seconds (maximum),
unless a lower value has been programmed.