Tips For Use of Low-Pressure Flow-Cell Kits
Clear the system of previous sample using a minimum 120 mL volume of new
sample (this volume purges the system four times).
Keep all parts of the system clean. Air bubbles tend to form around areas that
are not cleaned thoroughly.
Periodically replace all tubing to ensure the system is clean.
Do not attempt to use the Flow Cell for samples containing large particles that
may clog the system.
Install the reservoir cover when the system is not in use to prevent
contamination of the system by air-borne particles.
Always carefully pour sample down the inside edge of the inlet reservoir to
minimize agitation of the sample, which can entrain air bubbles.
If bubbles tend to accumulate in the Flow Cell, gently tap the cell on a soft
surface to dislodge the bubbles.
Do not use the system for monitoring flammable solutions, solvents, strong
acids or strong bases.
Do not exceed the recommended maximum sample pressure of
34 kPa (5 psig).
Fill the system with distilled or deionized water when it is not used for short
periods of time (a few hours). This minimizes air locks and build up of
residue on the components.
High-Pressure Flow-Cell Kit
The High-Pressure Flow-Cell Kit can be used for continuous measurement of a
process stream, and can accommodate up to 414 kPa (60 psig) (see Figure 14). It
can operate continuously in temperatures up to 30 °C (86 °F), and intermittently in
temperatures up to 40 °C (104 °F). All wetted parts are fabricated from materials
approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and can be
steam sterilized. Prepare the High-Pressure Flow Cell as follows:
Figure 14
High-Pressure Flow Cell
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - www.tschem.com.vn - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - www.tschem.com.vn - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]