Using Cell Adapters
Cell adapters are used with the Model 2100N Turbidimeter when sample cells
smaller than the standard 25-mm cells are required. A wide variety of test tubes,
sample cells and ampules can be used with the cell adapters so smaller sample
volumes can be measured.
Small diameter sample cells are useful with the instrument when only a small
quantity of sample is available, the sample to be measured is in an ampule and
cannot be opened, or the sample is too turbid for use with the standard sample cell.
A shorter light path permits measurement of high-range samples without the need
for sample dilution.
Note: The 2100N Turbidimeter
reads slightly different with cell
adapters installed because of the
shorter path length associated with
the smaller diameter sample cells.
Refer to the instruction sheet sent
with the cell adapters for
additional information.
Adapters are available for test-tube diameters of 12- to 13-mm, 16-mm and
19-mm O.D. The 12- to 13-mm adapter accommodates either 12-mm or 13-mm
tubes. The minimum sample volumes that must be used are 2.5 mL for 12-mm
tubes, 3.5 mL for 13-mm tubes, 5 mL for 16-mm tubes and 7 mL for
19-mm tubes.
The adapters come with a tall light shield supplied for test tubes taller than the
standard cover.
Carefully select sample-cell glassware used with the adapters to be clean and free
of significant scratches. The same handling and cleaning care applied to the
standard 2100N sample cells applies to the smaller cells (including the use of
silicone oil on the outside of the glass).
Installing and Removing Cell Adapters
Note: Do not force the adapter out
of the compartment; serious
instrument damage can occur.
Align the tab on the cell adapter toward the front of the instrument to install in the
instrument's sample compartment (see Figure 7).
Carefully pull the adapter straight up to remove. Slowly rotate the adapter 90°
counterclockwise if the adapter catches.
Figure 7
Cell Adapter Installation
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]
Tài liệu sưu tầm của Trung Sơn - - 028.3811.9991 - [email protected]