Haag-Streit AG
Information for Safety | 2
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c) Do not use additional multiple sockets or extension cables for power connection of the sur-
gical microscope system.
Risk of electrical shock and falling parts!
Changes to the surgical microscope system, like connection of additional components or accessor-
ies, without sufficient technical knowledge may not be made properly and safely.
a) Changes to the surgical microscope system may only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Risk of limited treatment options!
If defects are not detected, the surgical microscope system may not offer all functions during sur-
a) Before each use, make sure that all electrical and mechanical connections are firmly seated
and free of defects.
b) Regularly check the functionality and quality of the magnified vision.
c) Do not use the system in case of any obvious defects, error states or functional restrictions.
Call the Haag-Streit Service.
Risk of unexpected moving parts!
Parts that move unexpectedly can cause injuries.
a) Perform the weight balance of the microscope axis after the attachment of additional ac-
cessories or if orientation was changed.
b) Make sure that the carrier unit is still balanced.