Figure 12 IRF split
# Verify that BFD MAD detects the split and displays IRF link state and member device failure
messages. The following is the sample output from IRF 1:
%Jan 1 05:19:10:176 2019 H3C STM/3/STM_LINK_STATUS_DOWN: IRF port 2 is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:184 2019 H3C IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: HundredGigE1/0/27 link status is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:184 2019 H3C IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: HundredGigE1/0/28 link status is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:176 2019 H3C STM/3/STM_LINK_STATUS_DOWN: IRF port 1 is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:184 2019 H3C IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: HundredGigE2/0/25 link status is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:184 2019 H3C IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: HundredGigE2/0/26 link status is down.
%Jan 1 05:19:10:186 2019 H3C DEV/3/BOARD_REMOVED: Board is removed from Slot 3, type is
%Jan 1 05:19:10:186 2019 H3C DEV/3/BOARD_REMOVED: Board is removed from Slot 4, type is
%Jan 1 00:40:22:534 2019 H3C BFD/5/BFD_CHANGE_FSM: Sess[,
LD/RD:33/33, Interface:Vlan1000, SessType:Ctrl, LinkType:INET], Sta: DOWN->INIT, Diag:
%Jan 1 00:40:22:791 2019 H3C BFD/5/BFD_CHANGE_FSM: Sess[,
LD/RD:33/33, Interface:Vlan1000, SessType:Ctrl, LinkType:INET], Sta: INIT->UP, Diag: 0
%Jan 1 00:40:27:962 2019 H3C BFD/5/BFD_CHANGE_FSM: Sess[,
LD/RD:33/33, Interface:Vlan1000, SessType:Ctrl, LinkType:INET], Sta: UP->DOWN, Diag: 1
The output shows that the BFD session was up for a short time after the IRF split. Because the
master device in IRF 1 has a lower member ID than the master device in IRF 2, BFD MAD then
changed IRF 2 (Device C and Device D) to the Recovery state. The BFD session was down after
BFD MAD shut down all service interfaces on Device C and Device D, except for the IRF physical
interfaces and the service interfaces excluded from the MAD shutdown action.
# Log in to IRF 2, and verify that the IRF fabric is in Recovery state.
<Sysname> display mad verbose
Multi-active recovery state: Yes
Excluded ports(user-configured):
Excluded ports(system-configured):
BFD MAD interfaces: