[RouterA] interface bridge-aggregation 40
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation40] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation40] quit
# Assign Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1, Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/2, Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/3, and
Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/4 to the aggregation group for Bridge-Aggregation 40.
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 40
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] quit
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/2
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/2] port link-aggregation group 40
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/2] quit
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/3
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/3] port link-aggregation group 40
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/3] quit
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/4
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/4] port link-aggregation group 40
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/4] quit
# Assign Bridge-Aggregation 40 to VLAN 40.
[RouterA] interface bridge-aggregation 40
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation40] port access vlan 40
# Create Bridge-Aggregation 42, and set its link aggregation mode to dynamic.
[RouterA] interface bridge-aggregation 42
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation42] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation42] quit
# Assign Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/5 and Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/6 to the aggregation group for
Bridge-Aggregation 42.
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/5
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/5] port link-aggregation group 42
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/5] quit
[RouterA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/6
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/6] port link-aggregation group 42
[RouterA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/6] quit
# Assign Bridge-Aggregation 42 to VLAN 42.
[RouterA] interface bridge-aggregation 42
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation42] port access vlan 42
[RouterA-Bridge-Aggregation42] quit
# Create VLAN-interface 40 and VLAN-interface 42, and assign IP addresses to the VLAN
[RouterA] interface vlan-interface 40
[RouterA-Vlan-interface40] ip address 30
[RouterA-Vlan-interface40] quit
[RouterA] interface vlan-interface 42
[RouterA-Vlan-interface42] ip address 30
[RouterA-Vlan-interface42] quit
# Configure OSPF.
[RouterA] ospf
[RouterA-ospf-1] import-route direct
[RouterA-ospf-1] area 0