BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU...
Loading the main image files...
Loading file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-system-e0615p03.bin...................
Loading file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-security-e0615p03.bin...Done.
Loading file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-voice-e0615p03.bin....Done.
Loading file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-data-e0615p03.bin....Done.
Loading file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-boot-e0615p03.bin............Done.
Image file flash:/icg2000d-cmw710-boot-e0615p03.bin is self-decompressing.
System image is starting...
Line aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
. The device is ready to configure when you see the following prompt:
Configure basic settings for the device.
When the device starts up at the first time, you are required to configure basic settings for it.
For information about configuring basic setting for the device, see
H3C ICG Information
Communication Gateways Configuration Guides (Comware 7)
H3C ICG Information
Communication Gateways Command References (Comware 7)