Operating manual
Translation of the original
Gas cylinders must be stored in open or well-ventilated rooms. They must be in a kept in an upright position and held on a support or trolley.
Welding is prohibited near grease or paint.
Fully protect the welding area; flammable materials must be kept at least 11 metres away.
Firefighting equipment must be present near welding operations.
Beware of hot spatter and sparks as these can cause fires or explosions, even through cracks.
Keep people, flammable objects and pressurised containers at a sufficiently safe distance.
Welding in closed containers or tubes is prohibited. If the container or tube is open, it must be emptied of any flammable or explosive materials (oil,
fuel or gas residues, etc.).
Grinding operations must not be directed towards the source of the welding current or towards any flammable materials.
The gas coming out of the cylinders can cause suffocation if it becomes too concentrated in the welding area (ventilate well).
Transporting the welding machine must be done safely, ensuring all the cylinders and the welding unit are switched off. The gas
cylinders and the machine must be stored upright and held in place by a support to limit the risk of falling.
Close the cylinder between uses. Beware of temperature variations and sun exposure.
The gas cylinder must not come into contact with a flame, an electric arc, a torch, a earth clamp or any other source of heat or incandescence.
Be sure to keep it away from electrical and welding circuits and, therefore, never weld a pressurised container.
Be careful when opening the cylinder’s valve, keep your head away from the valve and make sure that the gas used is suitable for the welding process.
It is crucial that the electrical system used is properly earthed. Use the fuse size recommended on the rating table.
Electric shocks can cause serious direct or indirect accidents and even death.
Never touch live parts inside or outside the live current source (torches, clamps, cables or electrodes) because these are connected to the welding
Before opening the welding machine, disconnect it from the power-supply network and wait a further two minutes so that all the capacitors are fully
Do not touch the torch or the electrode holder and the earth clamp at the same time.
If the cables or torches become damaged, make sure that they are changed by a qualified and authorised person. Measure the length of cable
required according to its intended application. Always use dry, undamaged clothing to insulate yourself from the welding circuit. Wear insulating shoes,
whatever the working environment.
This Class A equipment is not intended for use on residential sites where the electrical current is supplied by the public, low-
voltage mains network. There may be difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility at these sites due to conducted, as
well as radiated, radio-frequency disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-11 and can be connected to a public, low-voltage mains network, providing that
the impedance at the common coupling point on the aforementioned network is less than Zmax = 0.29 Ohms. It is the installer
or user’s responsibility to ensure that the network impedance complies with relevant impedance restrictions by consulting the
power network’s distribution operator if necessary.
This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-12.
TIG 300:
This equipment does not comply with IEC 61000-3-12 and is intended to be connected to a private, low-voltage power network
or connected to the public mains network, although only at medium and high voltage levels. If it is connected to a public, low-
voltage power-supply network, it is the installer or user’s responsibility to ensure that the equipment can be safely connected to
the power-supply network by consulting with the power-distribution network operator if necessary.
Electric currents passing through any conductor produce localised electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Welding currents produce an
electromagnetic field around the welding circuit and welding equipment.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) can interfere with some implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers. Protective measures should be taken for those