Here is an alternate wiring scheme using a battery snap..
Be sure your In/Out Jack wiring is correct. A Stereo Jack (for battery use only) has a
RING lug which is used to connect to the battery ground. If you do not intend to use a
battery there is no need for a Stereo Jack. If using Stereo then only use the Tip and
Sleeve lugs. S4, S5 & S6 is only needed when the LED is wired to the Main Board.
If using our convenient 3PDT Wiring Boards (below) here is an LED wiring guide. You may use Common Anode Bi-Color
or Standard On/Off. The wiring boards use the same symmetrical layout as if wiring straight to the switch.
Note: If wiring the LED to our 3PDT board no need to connect S4, S5 & S6 or populate D3 or R14 (CLR) on the
main board since you are wiring your LED directly to our board.
Direct Online Link:
3PDT Wiring Board Build Document