Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel:0773-5815749
Select the track file which you want to playback (*. txt), and then click "Open" will start to
playback the record event in the track log file.
If it works well, the first square indicating light should change to blue color which inside
the "master switch" box that means is being play back track. After finished play back the tracks,
the indicating light will turn to yellow color .In the process of track play back, you can drag the
bottom drag to select playback speed.
Note: All the "read out" and "Settings" button of this software will change color automatically
according to the operating condition. When you click on the button, its will turn to yellow color
immediately, which means is sending the button command. If the button command has been
successfully implemented, its will turn to green color. Which means the button operation is
successful. If the button always keep yellow color, which means the button command operate
unsuccessful. this may caused by the errors of the communication data or other factors .At this
time , the procedure will start to re-send automatically until the button turn to green color ,so once
you click on the command button ,you don’t need to repeat click until the button turn to green
color .