Operating Instructions
The transmitter has a 4 ... 20 mA output proportional to the trend of the dust burden.
If there is an error found by internal system checks the output is set to 2 mA.
2. Installation
2.1 Selection of the Sensor Location
Fig. 1
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
3 x DN
Fig. 2: Recommended distances to bends (DN = duct diameter)
ProSens-BA-EN-2015-01-29.indd 4
30.01.15 12:31
The best location for installation of the ProSens is in a duct section where there is even laminar flow
The optimal position would be in a horizontal or vertical section of the duct. There should not be bends,
valves, dampers or other obstructions, either upstream or downstream, for a distance of at least 5 times the
pipe/duct parameters. (See figure 2)