4. Installation
Bucket Elevator
4. Connect the haulage line to the end of the belt, preferably by means of a spreader bar.
5. As buckets are fastened to each length of belt, pull the length of belt into the elevator leg. Be sure to
keep a strain on the haulage line between hauls so the belt does not drop back down the elevator.
As more belt is hauled into the elevator and more strain is imposed on the haulage line, make certain
that the line cannot slip and is of proper strength.
Before hauling the first length of belt with buckets attached, check again to make
certain that the buckets are being attached with the bucket openings facing upward
in the “up” leg of trunk.
6. As the belt begins to pass over the head pulley, keep the belt roughly centered. Proper belt tracking
will be done when belt installation is complete.
7. When all buckets except those at the ends of the belt where the splice is to be made have been
fastened to the belt AND the entire belt has been hauled into the elevator, splice the belt per belt
8. Fasten any remaining loose buckets to the belt; in the area of the splice, for instance.
9. Proceed with initial belt tracking. Refer to initial belt tracking
Method 2: Belt Only With Buckets Attached after Splicing Belt
1. Arrange the roll of belt so that it can easily be unrolled and hauled into the elevator's UP-LEG. Follow
the belt manufacturer’s recommendations, if any, as to which side of the belt should contact the
pulleys and which side should face outward and contact the buckets.
2. Connect the haulage line to the end of the belt, preferably by means of a spreader bar.
3. Begin hauling the belt into the elevator. As more belt is hauled into the elevator, more strain will be
imposed on the haulage line. Keep a sharp eye on the line for any sign that it might part or slip on
the winch.
4. As the belt passes over the head pulley, keep the belt roughly centered. Proper belt tracking will be
done when belt installation is complete.
5. Splice the belt. Attach the buckets to the belt in the splice area NOW so the fasteners do not have to
be loosened later. Refer to belt splicing
6. Adjust the boot take-up pulley to apply tension to the belt. Refer to
7. It will be necessary to use the elevator drive or some other means to rotate the belt to allow the
buckets to be fastened to it.
If the elevator drive is operated to rotate the belt, make sure to lubricate the reducer
and all other components which require initial lubrication before applying power.
Damage will result to any component operated without proper lubrication.
8. Fasten a bucket (or a set of buckets, if there are several buckets in each horizontal row in the pattern
shown on the drawings) to an accessible set of mounting holes.
9. Skip five (5) or ten (10) hole patterns. Fasten another bucket, or set of buckets, to the belt. Continue
this sequence until the belt has made one complete revolution through the elevator. Then start
fastening buckets or sets of buckets in the center of the gap between the previously installed buckets.