6. Maintenance and Repair
Bucket Elevator
6. Examine guying. Tighten any clamp fasteners, which are loose. If a cable is excessively slack, adjust
turnbuckles to restore tension.
7. Check the belt take-up in the boot section. If the pulley has been adjusted to its lowest (maximum)
limit, it will be necessary to shorten the belt by removing one or two (2) rows of buckets and resplice
the belt as explained belt splicing
8. It is also advisable to check the condition of all infeed and discharge spouting associated with the
elevator for damage and wear.
9. When all specific inspections have been carried out, stand back and generally observe the elevator
and any associated equipment. Look and listen for any problem not covered in the preceding list.
In all cases, the manufacturers of the individual components have precise recommendations for periodic
lubrication of their products. Strict adherence to these procedures will result in a minimum of down time
and maximum component life.
Refer to the documentation furnished with the reducer. The user must interpret this information in light of
the severity of duty in each application. If there is any doubt, contact the manufacturer or a local supplier
of the reducer for specific recommendations.
Many motors have sealed and permanently lubricated bearings; with these, no re-lubrication is possible
or desirable. If bearings of this type become noisy or overheat, they must be replaced.
Motors having bearings which can be re-lubricated are usually larger integral horsepower sizes. Special
pressure lubricating equipment may be required. Refer to the documentation furnished with the motor.
Head and Boot Shaft Bearings
Mounted bearings DO require periodic lubrication. The amount and frequency depends in large extent
upon the severity of the operating environment and the duty cycle. Refer to manufacturer’s
recommendations for frequency, type and amount of lubrication.
Roller Chain Drive
If the elevator includes a roller chain drive furnished by InterSystems, the chain case or guard also serves
as a lubricant reservoir. The lubricant level should be high enough to immerse the lower sprocket teeth
and chain, yet not so high as to leak from the joints in the case.
Sleeve Guides and Shafts
The polyethylene sleeve guides and stainless steel shafts of posi-guide gravity boot take-ups DO NOT
require ANY lubricant. In fact any lubricant applied to these components will only attract dirt and interfere
with their operation.
Excessive guy cable tension will twist, bend and/or collapse the elevator structure,
causing severe injury or death. Maintain proper guy cable tension at all times.