Model G4000 (Mfg. Since 8/09)
Additional Safety instructions for
Metal Lathes
Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are fre-
quently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. use this machine with respect
and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. if normal safety precautions are overlooked
or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.
1. COvERS & DOORS: unexpected contact
with the internal moving parts or electrical
devices could cause serious personal injury.
ALWAys keep the covers and doors closed
and secured when the machine is connect-
ed to power.
2. CLEANiNG MACHiNE: to avoid lacera-
tions, do not clear chips by hand. use a
brush and a shop vacuum, and never clear
chips while the lathe is operating.
3. pREvENTiNG A CRASH: Make sure no
part of the tool, tool holder, compound slide,
cross slide, or carriage will contact the chuck
during operation. to avoid unexpected car-
riage movement, ALWAys disengage the
feed and half-nut levers after completing an
4. CHuCK KEy: A chuck key left in the chuck
can become a dangerous projectile when
the lathe is started. ALWAys remove the
chuck key after each use.
5. SECuRE WORKpiECE: A workpiece
thrown from the lathe could cause severe
injury. Make sure the workpiece is properly
held in the chuck or faceplate before starting
the lathe.
attempt to slow or stop the workpiece or
spindle by hand or with a tool. tie back
long hair, loose clothing, and button up long
sleeves to avoid entanglement injuries.
7. CHuCK SAfETy: Chucks are surprisingly
heavy and awkward to hold. ALWAys pro-
tect your hands and use a chuck cradle or
piece of plywood to protect the bedways.
8. CORRECT TOOLiNG: the right tool
decreases strain on the lathe components
and reduces the risk of unsafe cutting.
ALWAys select the right cutter for the job,
and make sure the cutters are sharp.
9. STARTup iNJuRiES: Make sure the
workpiece, cutting tool, and tool post have
adequate clearance and are secure before
starting the lathe. Large parts can be eject-
ed from the chuck if the spindle speed is set
too high. Make sure the spindle speed is set
correctly for the operation before starting the
10. uNATTENDED MACHiNE: Leaving the
lathe unattended when it is
ON greatly
increases the risk of accidental injury or
machine damage. Always turn the lathe
OFF whenever leaving it unattended for
Any amount of time.
11. WORKpiECE SuppORT: support a long
workpiece if it extends outboard from the
headstock so it will not wobble violent-
ly when the lathe is turned
ON. if the
workpiece extends more than 2.5 times its
diameter from the chuck, support it with a
center or rest, or it may deflect and fall out
of the chuck while cutting.
12. AvOiD OvERLOADS: Always use the
appropriate spindle speed and feed rate.
Changing gears or direction when the spin-
dle is in motion could damage the lathe.
ALWAys stop the spindle and wait until it
has come to a complete stop before chang-
ing gears or direction.