g0650 Welding downdraft table
Safety Instructions for Downdraft Tables
to keep the slag drawer cleaned out and the
stainless steel spark screen clean, or suction
airflow may be reduced, causing hazardous
welding fumes to build up in the shop.
5. cORREcT uSAGE. Before, during, and after
welding operations, always pay attention to
work area fire hazards and take appropriate
measures to eliminate sources of ignition.
daily inspect the downdraft table ducting for
damage or leaks and repair or replace ducting
as required to maintain leak-free operation.
6. EXpLOSION RISK. suspended dust
particles near an ignition source may cause
an explosion. do not weld in areas where
explosion risks exist. Locations of high risk
include, but are not limited to, areas equipped
with furnaces, water heaters, fuel tanks,
vehicles, paint booths, or paint and chemical
storage lockers.
in mind that all normal welding hazards
are intensified in a confined space. if you
are experiencing difficulties performing the
intended operation, stop using the equipment.
Contact our technical support department at
(570) 546-9663.
1. WELDING FuMES. Welding fumes are
hazardous and can cause lung damage
without warning. Keep your face away from
welding fumes, and position any overhead
suction hoods near the arc to draw in
additional fumes from the vented work table
area. Use an ansi approved respirator for
the applicable type of welding operation,
and protect others from these fumes.
cAN BE hAzARDOuS. do not use this
downdraft table in confined spaces without
adequate ventilation. Fume extractors do
not replace oxygen that is consumed by
welding and cutting operations. suffocation
can occur if this warning is ignored. always
open all covers, doors, and windows to
sustain fresh air ventilation. Wear an air
line respirator, and always work with a
partner who can immediately give you help
from outside of the welding area.
3. cORREcT FILTRATION. never modify
this downdraft table for any other purpose
than it was designed for. only connect
this downdraft table to an adequate fume
extractor designed to remove welding and
grinding contaminants from shop air.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. Always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. use this and
other machinery with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could result in serious per-
sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor
work results.
Like all machinery there is potential danger
when operating this machine. Accidents are
frequently caused by lack of familiarity or
failure to pay attention. use this machine
with respect and caution to lessen the pos-
sibility of operator injury. If normal safety
precautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-
ous personal injury may occur.