g0650 Welding downdraft table
Damage to your eyes and lungs could result
from using this machine without proper pro-
tective gear. Always wear safety glasses and
a respirator when operating this machine.
If you have never used this type of machine
or equipment before, WE STRONGLy
REcOMMEND that you read books, trade
magazines, or get formal training before
beginning any projects. Regardless of the
content in this section, Grizzly Industrial
will not be held liable for accidents caused
by lack of training.
Operation Safety
Loose hair, clothing, or
jewelry could get caught
in machinery and cause
serious personal injury.
Keep these items away
from moving parts at all
times to reduce this risk.
To reduce the risk of
serious injury when using
this machine, read and
understand this entire
manual before beginning
any operations.
General Operation
this downdraft table is designed to connect to
the grizzly g0648 Welding Fume Collector or a
similar machine. it is not designed to be a sub-
stitute for a respirator or fresh-air type respirator.
Make sure that you are familiar with the materials
to be welded and know what types of fumes will
be created. additionally, many metals have coat-
ings that produce poisonous fumes when heated.
Make sure to strip off coatings at least four inches
away from the area of heat application before
welding or cutting.
Between welding jobs, periodically clean out the
slag catch and clean the stainless steel screen. if
the type of welding changes drastically or if paint,
rubberized undercoating, or other coatings cause
excessive smoke, you may have to clean the
screen more often in order to maintain a satisfac-
tory suction.
always follow good welding practices and remove
coatings that may smoke and possibly contami-
nate the weld. this downdraft table does not save
you from the task of proper workpiece prepara-
Figure 6. g0650 welding/grinding
downdraft table.