G0501 Sliding Table Saw
Miter Fence
To install the miter fence:
Loosen the clamp plate with the ratchet han-
dle to prepare the miter fence for installation.
Align the fixed bolt in the slot closest to the
blade and align the clamp plate in the other
slot as shown in
Figure 51
Figure 51.
Miter fence components aligned for
installation of miter fence.
Fixed Bolt
Clamp Plate
Figure 52.
Miter fence set to 45˚ mark on the
miter gauge scale.
Thread the fixed bolt into the fixed block. The
miter fence should now slide up and down
the angle range freely.
Position the fence at the desired angle and
use the clamp plate ratcheting handle to lock
the fence in place.
Figure 52
shows the miter
fence set to 45˚ on the miter fence scale.