Gripping Power, Inc
EPS200 User s Manual
4.3.7. (RI) Return overcurrent trip point. The RI command returns the setting of the
overcurrent trip value, in uA, as set by the SI command.
>0 RI [CR]
>0 500 [CR]
4.3.8. (RV) Return voltage setpoint. The RV commands returns the current value of
the stored high voltage setpoint used in all of the operating modes. This value is set by
the SV command.
>0 RV [CR]
>0 900 [CR]
4.4. T1, T2 and T3 timer commands. The timer commands allow the user to reset, load,
start and display the timer data. The EPS200 has three process timers: one general purpose
and two high-voltage activity monitors.
Timer 1 (T1) is a user programmable timer that can be used as a countdown timer, when
used in conjunction with the WT command. The resolution of T1 is one second. It has a
maximum time period of 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
Timer 2 (T2) tracks the period the high voltage has been on, since timer 2 was last cleared,
using the C2 command. Timer 2 can be used as a chuck or chamber preventative
maintenance timer. The resolution of T2 is one second. It has a maximum time period of
59,999 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
Timer 3 (T3) is the OEM high voltage on timer. This timer cannot be reset and is used by
the manufacturer for MTBF information. The resolution of T3 is one minute. It has a
maximum time period of 59,999 hours and 59 minutes.
4.4.1. (C1) Clear timer 1. The C1 command resets the T1 general purpose timer to
00:00 and stops it.
>0 C1 [CR]
>0 C1 [CR]
4.4.2. (ST) Set timer 1. The ST command loads the user defined time-out value into
timer 1 and starts the timer. The minutes and seconds entry may be entered as seconds
>0 ST mmss [CR]
>0 ST mmss [CR]
4.4.3. (RT) Reload and start timer 1. The RT command reloads T1 with the value
previously specified by the ST command and restarts the timer.
>0 RT [CR]
>0 RT [CR]
4.4.4. (R1) Read timer 1. The R1 command returns the time remaining on the T1
>0 R1 [CR]
>0 12m 34s [CR]