Gripping Power, Inc
EPS200 User s Manual
and five for additional information on the EPS200 command set and program development.
There are two immediate command formats used with the EPS200.
Immediate mode command only format:
> a [sp] cc [cr]
Immediate mode command with parameters format:
> a [sp] cc [sp] dddd [cr]
All messages sent to the EPS200 must start with an ASCII '>' (hex 3E) or the following fields
will be ignored. The following one byte code [a] is the unique address of the target unit. This
code is a hex-ASCII value ranging from 0-9 and A-F. The EPS200 currently only supports
address zero (hex 32).
ASCII space characters [sp] (hex 32) act as delimiters and must be inserted as shown between
fields. No space is permitted after the attention character and the address field. The following
field [cc] is the command field, which contains a two byte ASCII character from the EPS200
instruction set.
The data field, if it is used, may contain up to four ASCII bytes. For example, if the desired
target voltage is 850 volts, then an ASCII '850' should be in the data field.
After the complete message has been sent, a carriage return (hex 0D) must be sent to unit to
indicate the end of the message. If the last byte after the command message is not a carriage
return, of the command does not pass syntax checks, the data will be ignored and a ?
character will be returned. Multiple commands per line are not allowed.
Except where indicated, the EPS200 buffers the incoming data, tests for a valid command,
executes or stores it. The acknowledge message will be returned to the host only after the
command has been processed. The unit will not respond to further polls until the previously
received command has been processed and acknowledged.
3.8. RS-232 Command Lockout. If the EPS200 is running a program the unit will only
respond to a subset of commands, which provide limited control and status information only.
This feature prevents conflicting or improper settings from being received by the unit.
Abort the current program
Measure volts at terminals
Measure current at terminals
High voltage off/stop program
Read timer 1 (user time delay)
Read timer 2 (HV on time)
Read timer 3 (OEM odometer)
Return compliance value
Return overcurrent trip point
Report maximum voltage
Return program number/step/run-stop
Return hardware status
Return voltage setpoint
HELP command
Table 3.1 - Valid RS-232 Commands When a Program is Executing