Cooking Instructions
Before cooking on your gas grill for the first time, you
will want to "burn off" the grill to eliminate any odor or
foreign matter. Just ignite the Burners, lower the Lid,
and operate grill on the HIGH setting for three to five
Operating your grill on the HIGH setting for longer than
five minutes may damage certain parts of your grill.
not leave your grill unattended.
To preheat, light your grill on HIGH, lower the lid and
follow this timetable:
Cooking Temperatures
High setting:
Only use this setting for fast warm-up,
seari n g st eaks or chops and f or burni n g f ood
residue off the grill after cooking is complete.
u s e t h e H I G H s et t i ng f or ext en ded co o k i n g .
Medium to Low settings:
Most reci pes speci f y
medium to low settings, including alls moking,roasting,
baking and for cooking lean cuts such as fish.
Temperature settings will vary with the amount
of w i nd a nd t em perat ur e o ut si d e y ou r h om e.
Direct Cooking
The direct cooking m ethod can be used with the
supplied Cooking Gri ds and food placed directly
over the lit grill Burners.
Direct cooking requires
the gri l l li d to be up.
This m ethod is i deal for
searing and whenever you want meat, poultry or fish
to have an open-flame barbecued taste. Deep frying
and smoking are also best cooked in this manner
because they require direct heat.
Your grill will get very hot.
Never lean over
the cooking area while using your gril l. Do
not t ouch cooking surfaces, gri l l housi ng,
Grill Lid or any other grill parts while the grill
is in operation, or unt il t he grill has cooled
down aft er use.
Fai lure t o com pl y wi t h these inst r ucti ons
m ay resul t in serious bodil y injury.
Do not line the bottom of the grill housing
with aluminum foil, sand or any substance
t hat wil l restrict t he f l ow of grease i nt o
the grease draining tray and receptacl e.
Failure to compl y with these instructions
coul d result i n a f ire or explosion whi ch
could cause serious bodily injury, death,
or propert y damage.
For high temperature cooking, preheat grill
3 to 5 minutes.
For low temperature cooking, preheat grill
3 minutes.
To slow cook, preheating is not necessary.
Indirect Cooking
The indirect cooking method can also be used with
the suppl ied cooking grids. To cook
the food should be placed on the left or right side
of your grill with the burner lit on the opposite side.
I ndi rect cooki ng m ust be done wi t h t he l i d
The fats and juices dripping from grilled food can
cause flare-ups. Since flare-ups impart a favorably,
distinctive taste and color to food cooked over an
open flame, they should be accepted up to a point.
N e v e r t h e l e s s ,
u n c o n t r o l l e d
f l a r i n g
c a n
result in a ruined meal.