Cleaning the bike
Most cleaning can be done with soap, water, sponges and brushes.
Avoid using high-pressure sprayers because water can penetrate through
Avoid using corrosive soaps and strong solvents –
always use cleaning products intended for an electric bicycle;
For an extremely dirty chain we recommend use of a
solvent-bath chain cleaner.
After every wash, the chain should be wiped and lubricated. After every few rides, lube slightly.
After every 400 km [250 mi], check for chain elongation. Use a chain-elongation gauge to
determine whether the chain should be replaced.
After every ride, clean dirt and debris the front fork, check your air pressure and set sag, check
the torque on front fork mounting bolts. After 50 hours of riding remove lowers, clean and
inspect bushings and seals, change oil bath if necessary. After 100 hours/1 year perform full
front fork air spring rebuild, remove lowers, clean, replace seals and bump rubber, change oil
bath at service center, full front fork damping cartridge rebuild at service center.
Extreme riding in adverse weather conditions or lack of cleaning will reduce service intervals.
After every ride clean dirt and debris from shock absorber, check air pressure and set sag,
check torque on shock absorber mounting bolts. After 100 hours of riding or 1 year perform
air spring service. After 100 hours of riding or 2 years perform damper service.
For specific details check the suspension manufacturer service manuals.