E. DC or AC Current Measureme nt
Warning – Never at tempt a n in- circ uit c urre nt meas urement whe re t he o pe n-circ uit voltag e between
the ci rc uit and grounds is grea ter tha n 250 V. If the fuse bur ns out during meas urement , the Me te r may
be damage d or t he o pera tor himself may be hur t. Us e prope r t ermi nals, f unction, and range f or the
measurement. W h en t he testing leads are conne cte d to the cur re nt t ermi nals, do not parallel the m across
any circ uit.
The curr ent measurement has 3 me asure ment positions on the rota ry switch:
Hz, mA
Hz and Hz
A .
Hz has a 400.0
A and 4000
A range, with auto ranging; the mA
Hz has a 40.00 mA and 400.0 mA
range , with auto ranging; H z
A position h as a 4.000A and 10.00A range , with auto ranging .
To measur e current, do the following:
13. Turn off pow er to the circuit. Disch arge all high-voltage c apacitors .
14. Insert the red test lead into the
AmA or 10A ter minal and th e bla ck test lead into the
t er minal.
15. Set the rot ary switch to
A Hz , mA H z or Hz A. Us e the
terminal and Hz
A measure ment
position if th e cu rr ent valu e to b e tested is an unknown .
16. The Meter de faults to DC current me asure ment mode . To toggle between D C and AC current measu rement
fun ction, press
AC curr ent is display ed as a me an v alue (calibrated against sine wave e ffective valu e) .
17. Bre ak the curr ent path to b e tested . Connect the red t est lead to the mo re positive side o f the br eak and the bl ack
test lead to the mo re negative side o f th e br eak.
18. Turn on power to the circuit.
The me asured valu e shows on the display.
For safety sake, the me asuring time for high cur rent should be
10 seconds for each measur e ment and the interval
time between 2 measur ements should b e gre ater than 15 minut es.
When current me asure me nt has been completed , dis connect the connection betwe en the testing le ads and the
circuit unde r t est.
Select AC
or D C
Summary of Contents for DM-60 A
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