Rules For Safe O peration
Warning – To a void possible elec tric shock or pe rsonal injury, a nd to a voi d possibl e da mage to the
Met er or to the equipment under test , adhere to t he f ollowing r ules:
Bef ore using the Met er inspec t the case. Do not us e the Met er if it is damaged or the case (or part of the
case) is r emo ved. Look f or c racks or missing plasti c. Pa y a ttention to t he ins ulation around t he co nnec tors .
Inspe ct t he test l eads for da mage d insula tion or e xpos ed m etal . Check t he t est leads for continuit y. R epla ce
damage d test lea ds with i dentical mo del number or ele ctri cal specif ications bef ore using t he Mete r.
Do not apply mor e t han t he rate d voltag e, as mar ked on t he Meter , be twe en the t ermi nals or be twe en a ny
ter minal and gro unding .
The rota ry s witc h should be placed in t he right position and no any cha ngeo ver of rang e shall be ma de
during meas urement is co nduc te d to prevent damage of the Meter.
Ne ve r wo rki ng at an eff ective voltage o ve r 60 V in DC or 30 V rms in AC for t he re is danger of el ectric shoc k.
Use t he proper t ermi nals, func tion, and ra nge f or your measure me nts.
Do not use or sto re t he Meter in an e n viro nment of high te mperature, humidit y, explosi ve, inf lammable and
strong mag neti c f ield. The pe rformance of the Met er may dete riorat e af ter dam pene d.
Whe n using the test leads , ke ep your f inge rs be hind the finger g uar ds.
Disco nnect circuit power and discharge all high- voltage capa citors bef ore testi ng co ntinuity, diodes,
resistance, capa citance or cur rent.
Bef ore meas uri ng c ur re nt , c heck the Met er’s f uses a nd turn of f power to the circui t bef ore connecting t he
Met er to the circ uit .
Replac e the batt ery as soo n as the bat tery indicato r appears . W ith a lo w bat ter, the Meter might pro duce
f alse readings t hat ca n l ead to ele ctri c sho ck a nd personal injur y.
Remove t est lea ds and R S232C int erf ace ca ble from t he Meter and turn the Mete r po wer of f bef ore ope ning
the Mete r case.
Whe n servicing the Meter , use o nly t he sam e model number or identical elec trical specif ications
repla cem ent par ts.
The i nte rnal cir cuit of t he Me ter s hall not be al ter ed at will to a void damag e of t he Met er and any accident.
Sof t cloth a nd mild deterg ent sho uld be used to clean the surf ace of the Meter whe n se r vicing. No a brasi ve
and solvent s hould be use d to pr e vent the s urf ace of t he Me ter f rom co rrosion, damag e a nd ac cide nt .
The Met er is suita ble for indoor us e.
Under t he e n vironme nt with high ( +/-4kV) elec trostatic disc harge, t he Mete r ma y not be ope rate d as normal
condition. The user may r equire r ese tting t he Me te r.
Turn t he Me ter of f when it is not in use a nd ta ke o ut t he ba tte r y whe n not using f or a long tim e.
Consta ntly chec k the bat ter y as it ma y leak whe n it has bee n using f or some time, r eplac e the bat ter y as
soon as l eaking a ppears. A leaki ng batt er y will da mage the Me te r.
International Electrical Sym bols
AC (Altern ating Curr ent)
Continuity Test
DC (Dire ct Cur rent)
AC or D C
Cap acitanc e Test
Double Insulated
Warning – Re fe r to the Op erating
De ficien cy o f Built-In Battery
Con for ms to Stand ards o f Europ ean
The Meter Structure
Summary of Contents for DM-60 A
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