Step 8 Flame Signal Check
To measure the flame signal connect a standard DC
voltmeter to terminals (FC+) and (FC-) on the Fenwal
flame safe guard. See figure #50. The flame signal
should be above 1.25 VDC and steady.
Check the flame signal with the burner at minimum
fire, mid-fire and high-fire.
If the flame signal is not above 1.25 VDC and
steady, consult the troubleshooting section.
Start-Up - Direct Gas
Step 7 Set the Unit’s Operating Temperature
Set the operating temperature. The operating temperature setting depends on which Maxitrol controller is used
and the desired space temperature. See figure #48 or #49.
Maxitrol Series 14
(Discharge temperature control)
Set the discharge
(65°F Typical)
The Maxitrol Series 14 should be set to the
desired discharge temperature. The
temperature selector may be built into the
amplifier or may be a stand-alone dial. The
stand-alone dial may be mounted remotely.
Maxitrol Series 44
(Space temperature control)
The Maxitrol Series 44 should be set to the
desired room temperature. The Selectrastat
must be mounted in the space.
Set the space
(70°F Typical)
Figure 48.
Series 14 Discharge Temperature Setting
Figure 49.
Series 44 Discharge Temperature Setting
Figure 50.
Flame Safe Guard