2. Starting
I) Open the fuel cock. (Fig. I 0)
2) Move the throttle lever to start position or about I /4 full throttle, in case of metal lever.
(Fig. II)
NOTE: Staring with full throttle causes sudden high revolution of Blade, which is dangerous,
so please avoid it.
3) Set the choKe lever to CLOSE. (Fig. 12)
4) Pull the recoil starter briskly, TAKING CARE TO KEEP THE HANDLE in your grasp, while not
allowing it to snap back.
5) When you hear con:bustible sounds a couple of times, move the choke lever back to as it is
(open position). Then pull the recoil starter briskly.
6) After starting the engine,allow it about 2-3 minutes to warm up before subjecting it to any load.
CAUTION : Biade may turn and flexible shaft may swing as engine starts. Do not let the
blade touch any object when engine starts.
* Adjustment (Fig. 13)
When the idle speed is too high or too low,adjust it with the idle speed adjusting screw.
In case that the blade keeps turning at the idling speed, turn the idle adjusting screw
3. Ilow to carry (Fig.l4)
I) First, hold the handle with your left hand and bend yourself down. Slip your right arm into the
right belt.
2) Transfer the shaft to your right hand and reaching back,slip the left arm through the other belt.
3) When the engine unit is mounted on your back, grip the shaft as shown in the figure.