The following Maintenance Schedule is provided as a convenient reference for the specified systems
and components, which require periodic service.
These schedules are not intended to be a complete list of all possible services to be performed on a
regular basis, nor is it suggested that more frequent services not be considered. We suggest always
referring to the Original Chassis Manufacturers Suggested Maintenance Schedule.
Because of the various types of operations that coaches are subjected to, the severity of service must
be considered when establishing maintenance intervals. Therefore, any such intervals noted in the
following schedule must be adjusted according to the type of operation in which your specific vehicle
will be used. Additionally, the intervals given by Grech Motors on the following pages, are recommen-
dations only, and should be considered as maximum intervals. It should be noted that maintenance
inspection and service operations of shorter duration are always preferable to longer durations.
Check Your Original Owner’s Guide Supplement(s)
, regarding special operating
condition and maintenance requirements, that may be applicable due to your
specific vehicle operating profile.