Great Plains | 151-144U | 2019/03/14
Proper servicing and maintenance is the key to long
implement life. With careful and systematic
inspection, you can avoid costly maintenance,
downtime, and repair.
Always turn off the tractor and remove the tractor key
before making any adjustments or performing any
Crushing Hazard
A falling implement can cause severe injury
or death by crushing. Always have drill
frame sufficiently blocked up when working
on and under implement.
High Pressure Fluid Hazard
Escaping fluid under pressure can have
sufficient pressure to penetrate the skin.
Check all hydraulic lines and fittings before
applying pressure. Use paper or cardboard,
not body parts, and wear heavy gloves to
check for suspected leaks. If injured, seek
immediate medical attention from a
physician familiar with this type of injury.
Maintenance Checklist
After using the drill for several hours, check all bolts to
be sure they are tight.
Remove excess slack from chains. Clean and use
chain lube on all roller chains as needed.
Lubricate areas listed in “
Maintain proper air pressure in the tires.
Inspect hydraulic hoses for cuts, cracks and aging.
Check fittings for evidence of leaks.
Clean the drill on a regular basis. Regular and
thorough cleaning will lengthen equipment life and
reduce maintenance and repair.
Replace any worn, damaged or illegible safety decals.
See “
Materials Clean-Out
Possible Dust and Chemical Fume
Clean-out can create dust and fumes from
seed residue and seed treatment. Wear a
respirator and any other protective
equipment specified by the seed and/or
seed treatment supplier.
Main Box and Dual Box
Set the seed rate handle to zero. This moves the
feed cup sprockets out of the seed path.
2. Position a tarp or bucket under each row or set of
rows to be cleaned out.
3. Pull the feed cup door handle (1) out, and swing
down to position (2).
4. Open the main seed box and use a small brush
to sweep the seed toward the feed cups. If seed
does not flow freely, inspect the feed cup, hose
and seed tube for obstructions.
5. If a vacuum cleaner is available, remove any
residual material.
It is not necessary to operate the meter drive shaft for
clean-out. With the seed rate handle set to zero,
nothing moves inside the seed cups.
Inspect the flutes for excess wear and damage by
rotating the shaft.
Set the seed rate handle to 100 and disengage the
lock-out hub. With openers lowered to engage the
clutch, slowly turn the seed meter jackshaft with the
calibration crank, while another person inspects the
flutes from the open seed boxes.
Small Seeds Box
Open the box lid and scoop out as much seed as
2. To recover the remaining seed, place a tarp
under the small seeds tubes at the openers.
3. Raise the drill.
4. Set the seed rate handle to 100.
5. Rotate the calibration crank until no seed flows.
6. If a vacuum cleaner is available, remove any
residual seed.