Important Safety Notes
It is important to use matching polarised connectors exclusively. All cables, connectors and terminals
(including those of the flight battery, if home-assembled) must be insulated to avoid short-circuits.
Never combine connectors with contacts of different materials, e.g. tin-plate and gold-plate, as these
combinations may be unreliable.
If you are using a speed controller or motor switch with a BEC power supply, use only Graupner gold-
contact connectors.
Avoid short-circuits and reversed polarity.
The high energy density of NC batteries involves a risk of explosion and fire.
Pre-flight checks
Before every flight be sure to carry out a range check, and ensure that all functions are working
correctly. This is the procedure: switch on the transmitter, followed by the receiver. Leave the
transmitter aerial collapsed, and walk away from the model. At a reasonable ground range check that
all the control surfaces still work perfectly when you move the sticks.
Repeat the check with the motor running, while a friend holds the model securely.
Don’t ignore our warnings. They refer to hazardous materials and processes which, if ignored, can
result in fatal injury or serious damage to property.
The motor should only be test-run in the open air, as the powerful suction effect of the propeller
combined with the large quantity of accelerated air can easily cause accidents in any enclosed space
(such as pictures falling down, curtains sucked into the propeller). Ensure that your assistant is
holding the model really securely before you switch the motor on.
If you start the motor when the model is close to loose or sandy ground, the propeller will suck up
sand and dust and hurl it around, and it could easily get in your eyes and do damage. Wear protective
goggles at such times.
Please don’t misunderstand the purpose of these notes. We only want to make you aware of the many
dangers and hazards which can arise if you lack knowledge and experience, or work carelessly or
irresponsibly. If you take reasonable care, model flying is a highly creative, instructive, enjoyable and
relaxing pastime.
It is essential to read and observe the safety notes provided by the manufacturer of the batteries you
intend to use in the model.
Wingspan approx.
3200 mm
Fuselage length approx.
1540 mm
Wing section
HQ/W 2.5/8 to 3/9
Tailplane section
HQ/W 0/8 to 0/9
Wing area approx.
52 dm²
Tailplane area
7.41 dm²
Total surface area approx.
59.41 dm²
All-up weight min. approx.
2900 g
Longitudinal dihedral
+ 1.5°
Centre of Gravity
100 mm (aft of root leading edge)
Recommended servos
Order No.
No. off
DS 281
Rudder / elevator
DS 3210
DS 368
Camber-changing flaps
Speed controller