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carried out. Paint the inside of the navigation lamps (parts 104) in the appropriate colours (red / green),
then glue them to the navigation lamp bearers.
: the flat area should be glued to the rear of the
: if you intend to illuminate them, the navigation lamps should not be painted; in this case the
colour is generated by the coloured bulbs themselves.
Glue the three mast lamps (parts 105) to the appropriate plate on the mast.
: the flat area of each
lamp must face the mast.
Glue the anchor lamp (part 106) to the short spigot on the mast.
Glue the blue light (part 107) to the large plate on the mast.
Cut out the glazing panels (parts 108) to the shape shown on the plan, then glue them to the inside of the
superstructure using the minimum of adhesive.
: the glazing panels must rest flat on the superstruc-
ture surfaces; you may need to carry out minor trimming to ensure that this is the case.
Connect the speed controller (part 109) to the motor. The controller can be secured in the model using a
piece of Velcro tape around 3 cm long.
58. The two drive batteries (parts 111) are wired in parallel in order to double the boat’s running time com-
pared with a single battery. The G2 parallel lead (part 110) is used for this.
: the packs should only
be wired in parallel immediately before running the boat; never leave them wired together in parallel, and
do not charge them when inter-connected. The G2 distributor lead (part 112) is needed in order to divide
the power supply to feed the speed controller and the switch or controller for the water pump.
Install the receiver (part 113) in the hull, again using a piece of Velcro tape.
We recommend that you install a proportional speed controller to act as switch for the water pump (part
114), as this enables you to adjust the power and range of the water jet using a proportional module at the
transmitter. If you do not use this option, you can simply switch the pump on and off using a two-position
switch on the transmitter.
If you are not sure which type of paint to use on this model, please ask your local model shop or paint
supplier for advice.
Read and observe the application notes supplied with the paint.
Use paints of the same type and make
, otherwise there is a risk that the colours will react
with each other and cause bubbles or similar problems. Please be particularly careful when using a com-
bination of spray cans and brushing paints; always carry out a test on some scrap material to establish
whether there are any compatibility problems.
To ensure that the colour paint adheres strongly to the plastic parts it is essential to rub down the surfaces
using fine wet-and-dry paper (600- to 800-grit abrasive) beforehand. De-grease the sanded surfaces using
a non-greasy detergent or white spirit. Try not to touch the parts again before painting, as your skin con-
tains grease which will again contaminate the surfaces.
Mask off all areas which are not to be painted before you spray the paint on the model. Be sure to seal all
openings and holes, as the fine mist of paint finds its way into any opening, no matter how small.
If you have to mask out fine, straight edges, we suggest that you use as narrow a masking tape as possi-
ble, e.g. trim stripe tape. Apply the tape neatly and accurately, without placing it under tension, then mask
out the larger areas using crepe paper masking tape and scrap paper or film.
Before you start construction we recommend that you determine the best sequence for painting the model,
or keep to the sequence stated below, as certain areas are very difficult or even impossible to paint at a
later stage.
: a good method of painting small parts is to attach them to a strip of wood or similar material using
double-sided adhesive tape, applied to the surface which will later be glued. All sides of the part can then
be painted in one process.
Recommended sequence of painting
Paint the deck first.
Paint the exposed area of the hull.
Next comes the submerged part of the hull.
Paint the hull rubbing strake.
Paint the fittings and the railings separately, then glue them to the deck.