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: the railing should project from the underside of the base plate by about 5 mm. Glue the railing on
the inside using cyano.
: the railing should also be fitted in the holes in the deck, but do not glue it in
place; this helps to hold the forward platform in position, as water pressure is exerted from underneath,
and always tries to force the platform up and off.
The stern platform can now be assembled: glue the back panel (part 59) and the two side panels (parts
60) to the straight base plate (part 58), then add the front panel (part 61). Sand both base plates (parts 58
and 62) and the front panel at an angle as shown on the plan, so that these parts fit together with their
edges flush. The two liferaft supports (parts 63) can now be glued to the platform.
: the longer side
of the front panel is the one which is to be chamfered.
Assemble the liferaft (part 64) and glue it to the liferaft supports.
Glue the superstructure reinforcing frame 1 (part 65) in one of the side panels (part 66), then glue the sec-
ond side panel in place. Glue the two side panel doublers (parts 68) to the inside of the side panels; en-
sure that the holes line up neatly.
The superstructure reinforcing frame 2 (part 69) can now be glued to the top of the superstructure.
Glue the front roof 1 (part 70) to the superstructure, then add the supplementary window frame (part 71).
Ensure that the inside shape of the roof and the frame line up accurately.
Glue the front panel (part 72) to the superstructure.
Glue the two front inner panels (parts 73) to the superstructure.
33. Chamfer the superstructure and the emergency exit door panel (part 74) so that they meet neatly; glue
these parts together when you are satisfied.
The two front roofs 2 (parts 75) are prepared and fitted in the same manner as for the emergency exit door
panel. Glue the roofs in place permanently.
Glue the centre front window (part 76) to the superstructure. Chamfer the edges of the side windows (parts
77) where they butt up against the centre window so that they fit together neatly at the corners. Don’t glue
the windows in place until you are sure that they fit correctly.
Glue the emergency exit door (part 78) to the emergency exit door panel.
The superstructure door (part 79) can now be glued to the rear panel; check that the window openings line
up correctly.
38. Insert the railing stanchions (parts 80) in the holes in the superstructure, thread the superstructure rails
(part 81) through the stanchions and glue the joints.
Glue the two inner side frames (parts 83) to the floor of the roof (part 82), then attach the two outer side
frames (parts 84). Glue the rear inner frame (part 85) to the roof. Stick the gussets (parts 86) to the inner
side frames, followed by the rear outer frame (part 87).
Glue the centre front frame (part 88) to the underside of the roof area. Bevel the front edges of the front
side frames (parts 89) so that they fit neatly. These parts can then be glued in place permanently.
: the next stage is to assemble the navigation lamp holders, which must be produced as a mirror-
image pair - please take care over this. Glue one rear panel (part 91) to each of the base plates (parts 90),
then glue the end-piece (part 92) to the holder.
Bend the bow railing (part 93) to the shape shown on the plan. Mark the position of the railing on the deck
and drill 2 mm Ø holes at the marked points. Glue the railing in the holes using cyano.
Bend the stern side railings (parts 94) to the shape shown on the plan, and install them as described for
the bow railing.
Bend the rear stern railings (parts 95) to the shape shown on the plan, and install them using the same
Glue the bollards (parts 96) to the deck in the positions shown on the plan.
Glue the bow winch (part 97) to the deck as shown.
The next step is to assemble the radar unit (part 98): first glue the basic radar housing together, then glue
the bar-type radar antenna to it. If you wish to fit a rotating radar antenna, please read the information in
the table which follows the Appendix.
Glue the parts of the mast (part 99) together. Cut the Crewfinder aerials (part 100) to length and glue them
in the aerial holder on the mast. The aerials should project by equal lengths on both sides.
The three searchlights (parts 101) can now be assembled by gluing the bars to the lamp housings.
: if
you wish, you can cut glass lenses for the searchlights from the clear glazing material (part 108): rectangu-
lar pieces 12 x 8 mm in size are required.
: glue the lenses in place with clear lacquer, as normal glue
will tend to smear the clear surfaces.
Assemble the loudhailer (part 102): the bar must be glued to both side surfaces of the loudhailer housing.
Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the roof for the GPS aerial (part 103), but don’t glue the aerial in place at this point.
: if you intend to fit a working lighting system, you must make preparations before the next steps are