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While the wings are plugged into the fuselage, please check that the tailplane lines
up correctly with the wings. You will find a small compression strut in the wooden
parts bag. Install this component between the wings close to the trailing edge, and
adjust its position to correct any minor production tolerances in the wing sweep
angle. It is important to epoxy the compression strut in place at this stage.
When you are confident that everything fits correctly, you can glue the incidence
pegs in the wing root ribs. Ensure that the pegs project out of the wings by different
amounts: ideally this will be around 10 mm for the rear pegs, and about 7 mm for the
front ones. This makes it much easier to assemble the model at the flying field. Leave
the model components fitted together until the epoxy has cured completely.
TIP: before mixing the epoxy, it is a good idea to mask out the wing root ribs and the
facing ribs at the fuselage root fairings using wide adhesive tape, as this makes it
much easier to remove excess resin later. The tape also helps to prevent epoxy
being forced into the socket of the Multilock wing retainer.
The final work on the wing panels is to glue the Multilock pegs in the blind holes in
the wing root ribs: push the pegs into the sockets in the fuselage until they engage.
Offer up the wings, and make any minor adjustments required to the blind holes in
the root ribs. Apply glue to the inside of the blind holes in the wing root ribs, then
push the wings up against the fuselage so that the incidence pegs fit into the holes in
the fuselage, with the wing panels resting snugly against the facing ribs. Leave the
wings plugged into the fuselage until the glue has set hard.
TIP: use slightly flexible adhesive tape (e.g. paper masking tape) to hold the wings
against the fuselage. When the glue has cured completely, carefully peel off the tape
before removing the wings from the fuselage once more.