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Installing the rudder
Glue the plywood doublers (21 / 22) to the tail post (20) using thin cyano. Drill 3 mm Ø holes in the rudder
(24) for the point-hinges (23). Temporarily fit the rudder to the tail post; the pivots of the point-hinges
should be located 7.5 mm behind the leading edge of the rudder.
Fig. 5
shows the rudder attached provisionally; the point-hinges (23) and the doublers (21 / 22) have
already been glued in the tail post (20).
The prepared tail post (20) can now be glued in the fin: it is important that the joints are really sound on
both sides. Glue the point-hinges in the rudder and the tail post to attach the rudder to the fin. When the
glue is hard, drill a 3 mm Ø hole in the rudder for the rudder horn (25). Drill out the outermost hole in all
the control surface horns (25) to 1.6 mm Ø; they should be glued in place using thin cyano.
Screw the finished tailplane (26) to the top of the fin using the countersunk retaining screws (27). Glue the
horn (25) in the elevator, and connect it to the elevator pushrod.
Slit the covering film along the centre of the dihedral joint on the top of each wing panel, remove the
packing strip, and iron the projecting strips of film down onto the facing ribs, using a film iron, Order No.
1226. Apply glue to the joint surfaces, and pack up the outboard panels by the same amount on each
Allow the glue to set hard, then apply the reinforcing strips (1) to the top and bottom of the dihedral joints.
Glue the wing tip panels (31) in place, and apply clear tape over the joints.
Fig. 6
shows one aileron servo complete with the pushrod components and the servo well cover.
Remove the covering film over the aileron servo well on the underside of each wing panel. Uncover the
exit holes for the aileron servo extension leads at the centre of the wing.
Fit the aileron servos in the wells, and secure them using the self-tapping screws (33).
Mark the position of the horns (25) on the ailerons, and drill a 3 mm Ø hole at each point. Glue the
prepared aileron horns (25) in the holes.
Assemble the aileron pushrods from parts (18) and (19), as already described. Prepare servo output arms
for the aileron linkages; they should have a lever length of about 17 mm. Set the servos to neutral, and fix
the output arms on the servo shafts. Connect the aileron pushrods to the servos, taking care to engage
the snap-fit clevises securely. Cut out the aileron servo well covers (34) and stick them to the cover
retainers (3). Fit the wings together on the joiners (35) and (36).
Fig. 7
shows a cross-section through the wing at the aileron servo position. The stated control surface
travels are only intended as a guide, and may need to be adjusted to suit your personal flying style and
Glue the wing locating dowels (32) in the wing root leading edge, and drill matching 5 mm Ø holes in the
Glue the support tapes (16) to the wing saddle on the fuselage, and temporarily fix the wing to the
fuselage using the retaining screws (15).
RC installation
Install the speed controller and receiver in the fuselage using pieces of Velcro tape (45) and (46).
Run the receiver aerial out through the fuselage side, and attach it to the underside of the fuselage for a
length of about 300 mm. Allow the remainder of the aerial to trail freely.
Check all the functions of the control system. It is important to ensure that the servos are not stalled
(blocked) at either end-point of their travels. Even at the maximum possible control surface travels - as
dictated by the mechanical arrangement - the
remains smooth and pleasant to fly.
Attach the wing and tailplane to the fuselage, and check the model’s Centre of Gravity: when completely
assembled, ready to fly, the aeroplane should balance at a point in the range 80 to 100 mm aft of the wing
root leading edge when supported on two fingers under the wing on both sides of the fuselage. If
necessary, you can correct or adjust the CG by re-positioning the LiPo flight battery.
Cut out the individual emblems from the decal sheet (37), and apply them to the model’s components in
the arrangement shown in the kit box illustration.