Combi V3, Combi Max and Vortex Combi models
Vortex Combi only - Central heating OK - poor or no domestic hot water
No water flowing fr
om hot tap
No hot water operation
Hot water f
or short period only
Low water temperatur
e at tap
Mains water supply is not connected to cold water inlet of boiler
One or more isolating valves, stop cocks, etc. in the pipework are closed.
The cold water isolating valve in the boiler is closed.
There is a blockage (or blockages) in the pipework.
Store switch is set to OFF
ficient flow of water through boiler
Hot tap is not connected to hot water outlet of boiler
Boiler cold water and hot water connections reversed.
Flow switch is not operating.
Primary store is not up to temperature.
Primary store (hot water) pump is not operating.
Faulty Hot W
ater PCB sensor
Faulty Hot W
ater PCB.
Relay No.1 faulty - not switching.
Flow of water through boiler too high.
Thermostatic mixing valve incorrectly set.
Primary store (hot water) pump speed too low
Faulty Hot W
ater PCB sensor
Faulty Hot W
ater PCB.
Burner not firing for hot water (after a short time).
Note: Burner will not necessarily fire as soon as tap is opened.
Burner oil pressure set too low on oil pump.
Incorrect nozzle fitted to burner
Check and rectify as necessary
Open all valves in pipework to and from boiler
Open valve fully (located in the top right of boiler).
Check and rectify as necessary
Check store switch is set to ON (on boiler control panel).
Check flow is at least 3 litres/min - rectify as necessary
Check and rectify as necessary
Check and rectify as necessary
Check flow switch is correctly fitted - in line with flow
Check continuity across flow switch between terminals 10 and 1
Set store switch to ON - burner and hot water pump should start.
Check for 230 V supply to pump with water on.
Replace sensor and check operation.
Check for 230 V output from 'Burner' terminal on PCB.
If no output - replace Hot W
ater PCB and check operation.
Check for 230 V to 'Flow switch' terminal of Heating PCB.
Reduce flow and check water temperature.
Set mixing valve to setting '4.5'.
Check pump speed is set to maximum - setting 3.
Replace sensor and check operation.
Check for 230 V output from 'Burner' terminal on PCB.
If no output - replace Hot W
ater PCB and check operation.
Check operation of boiler on heating - set switch to 'Constant'.
If burner faulty
, refer to burner fault finding chart.
Check and set oil pressure to correct value (see Section 4.3, 4.4, 4.6).
Check and fit correct nozzle (see Section 4.3, 4.4, 4.6).