Combi V3, Combi Max and Vortex Combi models
Connect a combined vent manifold and pressure
gauge to the pressure gauge connection port on the oil
pump. See Fig. 24. Open the vent screw on your vent
manifold to vent the supply while the pump is running.
Set the Heating switch to 'Hot Water Only' (Combi
V3 and Combi Max) or to 'OFF' (Vortex Combi).
Check that all system controls are calling for heat and
turn the boiler thermostat to maximum. Switch on the
electricity supply to the boiler.
6 Set the boiler On/Off switch to 'ON' and the Store
switch to 'ON' (Vortex Combi). Fully open a hot tap
and allow it to run for a few moments to vent the
internal primary circuit. The boiler pump in the Combi
V3 and Combi Max or the Hot Water pump in the
Vortex Combi will operate and the burner should
light within about 12 seconds. If the burner does not
light and the 'Lock-out' reset button lights, wait for
about 45 seconds then press the reset button to restart
the ignition process. This procedure may have to be
repeated during first lighting.
Close the hot tap. The burner will continue to fire to
heat the primary water in the boiler or primary store
(Vortex Combi) until the required temperature is
On the Vortex Combi the Hot Water pump will
continue to run for a short period after the burner has
Set the Heating switch to 'CONSTANT' . The boiler
will now be operating in the central heating mode.
The burner may not fire immediately.
With the burner alight, check the fuel pressure. Refer
to the Technical Information, Section 4.3, 4.4 or 4.6.
Adjust the pressure if necessary - see Fig. 24.
Operate the boiler until it reaches normal operating
temperature. Check oil supply/return pipe for leaks,
rectifying where necessary.
10 Switch the boiler off, remove the pressure gauge and
replace the plug in the pump.
11 Having ensured that there are no oil leaks, replace the
burner cover. Tighten the two fixing screws. Ensure
the flexible air tube is connected to the burner.
12 A flue gas sampling test point is provided. This is
located in the cleaning door on the front of the
Combi 90 V3, Combi Max and Vortex Combi, and
on the top of the Combi 70 V3.
13 After allowing the burner to run for 20 minutes -
Check the smoke number, if satisfactory check the
level. Set the CO
to the value given in Section
4.3, 4.4 or 4.6. for the boiler and fuel used. Adjust
the burner air regulator, see Fig. 24, turning the
screw anti-clockwise closes the damper and
increases CO
level, turning the screw clockwise
opens the damper and reduces CO
Re-check the smoke number if the air damper has
been moved.
Under no circumstances must the smoke number be
above 1.
Note: It is important that the air damper is
correctly set.
14 Check the flue gas temperature.
15 When the boiler has been adjusted and is running
satisfactorily, balance the central heating system by
adjusting the radiator lock shield valves. Start with
the radiator nearest the boiler and adjust the valves
to achieve the required temperature drop across
each radiator.
If thermostatic radiator valves have been installed,
check the system by-pass.
16 Switch off the boiler.
17 With the system hot, check again for leaks, rectifying
where necessary. Drain the heating system while it is
hot to complete the flushing process.
18 Refill, vent and pressurise the system as described
in Section 7.2, adding a suitable inhibitor. For
further information concerning inhibitors contact
Grant Engineering (UK) Limited.
19 Replace the case bracing bracket and top panel, if
not already fitted.
Note: After commissioning the boiler, complete the
Commissioning Report on page 2 of these
instructions and the OFTEC CD/11 commissioning
report. Leave the top copy with the User and
return the two carbon copies.
If the boiler is to be left in service with the User, set
the controls, timer (see Section 1) and room thermostat
(if fitted) to the User's requirements then refer to
Section 9.
If the boiler is not to be handed over immediately,
close the boiler fuel supply valve and switch off the
electricity supply.
If there is any possibility of the boiler being left during
frost conditions, then the boiler and system should be