Combi V3, Combi Max and Vortex Combi models
Connection of external remote timeswitch
Optional Grant internal timer
Connect a room thermostat as follows:
Remove the room thermostat link wire (6 and 7
on Combi V3 and Combi Max or 4 and 5 on
Vortex Combi) from the left hand terminal
block and connect the room thermostat to the
terminal block in accordance with the room
thermostat manufacturers instructions.
6 Connect a frost thermostat as follows:
Connect the frost thermostat to the left hand terminal
block using terminals 4 and 5 on the Combi V3 and
Combi Max or 6 and 7 on the Vortex Combi in
accordance with the thermostat manufacturers
7 Replace the rear cover of the control panel.
8 Replace the terminal block cover and secure with
two screws previously removed.
See Section 12
Important: Any remote timer must be of a single
channel 230 V type with voltage free output contacts.
Important: Ensure electrical supply to boiler has
been isolated before fitting the timer.
Remove the screws securing the terminal block
cover and lift off the cover.
Pass a 4-core cable (or 4-core and earth if the timer to be
used has an earth connection)
through the cable clamp in
the panel. Connect the two switch wires from the timer
to terminals 8 and 9. Connect the live, neutral (and earth
if required) from the timer to terminals 3, 2 & 1
respectively on the boiler terminal block.
See Section 12 for a typical wiring diagram.
Remove the link from terminals 8 and 9 on the
boiler terminal block.
Secure the cable in the cable clamp, replace the
wiring cover in position over the terminal block,
taking care not to trap any wires, and secure in
position with the screws previously removed.
Ensure that all external wiring is adequately supported.
Do not switch on the electricity supply at this stage.
Important: Ensure electrical supply to boiler has
been isolated before fitting the timer.
1 From underneath the control panel, remove the screw
securing the bracket behind the timer aperture.
Remove the blanking piece from the timer aperture
in the control panel fascia by firmly pressing on the
Grant logo (in the centre of the black square) until
it is detached from the rear of the fascia. Remove
the blanking piece from the panel and the bracket
inside the aperture and discard both items.
Loosen (do not remove) the four screws
securing the control panel to the side panels,
hinge the panel forward and allow it to drop down
to gain access to the rear of the panel.
4 Remove the two screws securing the terminal block
cover and lift off the cover.
Remove the factory fitted link from terminals 8
and 9.
Remove the two top screws from the rear of the
control panel and loosen the two lower screws.
Remove the rear access cover.
Fit the 6-way plug on the timer wiring harness
firmly into the 6-way socket to connect the timer to
the boiler.
ET and MT kits -
Carefully fit the timer into the
MT kit only -
From the rear of the control panel fit
the two fixing clamps, supplied, into the slots on
each side of the timer housing with the two 'legs'
towards the front of the timer. With the front of the
timer held against the fascia, push both clamps
towards the front of the timer as far as possible to
secure the timer firmly in position.
10 Replace the rear cover of the control panel.
11 Replace the terminal block cover and secure with
the two screws previously removed.
12 Do not switch on the electricity supply at this stage.
Refer to the User Instructions provided for
operating and setting the timer.