Overhead Stirrer Multi Mixer MM-1000
Edition 2.04
– December of 2021
Operating Manual
Page 11
11. Compliance
EU Declaration of Conformity
All the products covered by this Manual comply with the requirements of the EU harmonised legisla-
tion verified using the following standards
Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EC) for Electrical safety.
LVS EN 61010 Part 1
LVS EN 61010 Part 2-051
EMC directive (2014/30/EC) for Electromagnetic compatibility
LVS EN 61326-1
RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EC including 2015/863)
for Hazardous substances
LVS EN 50581
UK Declaration of Conformity
All the products covered by this Manual comply with the requirements of UK statutory requirements
verified using the following standards.
Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
BS EN 61010 Part 1
BS EN 61010 Part 2-051
Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016
BS EN 61326-1
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Substances in Electrical and
Electronic equipment Regulations 2012
BS EN 50581
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
All the products covered by this Manual are marked with the crossed-out wheelie bin sym-
bol indicating they must not be disposed of with unsorted waste. Safe recycling of WEEE
helps conserve natural resources and protect human health.
Grant Instruments complies fully with the UK Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) regulations 2013. We are a member of the B2B compliance scheme (Scheme
Approval Number WEE/MP3338PT/SCH), which handle our WEEE obligations on our be-
half. Grant Instruments have been issued with a unique registration number by the Environmental
Agency, this reference number is WEE/GA0048TZ.
For information regarding WEEE collections in the UK please contact our B2B Compliance Scheme
directly on 01691 676 124 or
In the EU, Grant Instruments complies with WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU.
Contact your local equipment supplier for WEEE collections.
REACH Regulations
This product does not contain any Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) at greater than 0.1%
that have to be identified in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and therefore does not
have an entry in the SCIP database.