P a g e
UCM630xA Series User Manual
Mobile Phone
Configure the Mobile number of the user.
Table 44: IAX Extension Configuration Parameters
IAX Settings
Max Number of
Configure the maximum number of calls allowed for each remote IP address.
Require Call
Configure to enable/disable requiring call token. If set to "Auto", it might lock out users
who depend on backward compatibility when peer authentication credentials are
shared between physical endpoints. The default setting is "Yes".
Enable SRTP for the call. The default setting is disabled.
ACL Policy
Access Control List manages the IP addresses that can register to this extension.
Allow All:
Any IP address can register to this extension.
Local Network:
Only IP addresses in the configured network segments can
register to this extension.
Codec Preference
Select codec for the extension. The available codecs are: PCMU, PCMA, GSM, AAL2-
G.726-32, G,726, G.722, G.729, G.723, iLBC, ADPCM, H.264, H.265, H.263, H.263p,
RTX and VP8.
Table 45: IAX Extension Configuration Parameters
Call Transfer
Call Forward
Configure the Call Forward Unconditional target number. If not configured, the Call
Forward Unconditional feature is deactivated. The default setting is deactivated.
CFU Time
Select time condition for Call Forward Unconditional. CFU takes effect only during the
selected time condition. The available time conditions are “Office Time”, “Out of Office
Time”, “Holiday”, “Out of Holiday”, “Out of Office Time or Holiday” and “Specific”.