8.6 PPPoE Configuration
Mega Pixel IP Camera supports PPPoE dial-up function that let it directly connect to the Internet through
a DSL modem. Please click on the “PPPoE” in the Menu List for further setup.
PPPoE User/Password:
User might enter the PPPoE user name and password here.
Auto start after reboot:
If this function is selected, the PPPoE function will auto start after the
Mega Pixel IP Camera reboot.
Apply button:
Apply the configuration. All configurations should be available after the
configurations are successfully saved.
8.7 Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS is a network service that provides the domain name resolution for dynamic IP address.
After creating an alias on the service provider’s web site, user might use this alias to access Mega Pixel
IP Camera on the Internet. For further configure this function, please click on the “DDNS” in the Menu
Dynamic DNS:
Enable/Disable: Enable/Disable the DDNS function.
DDNS Service:
Select the DDNS service provider the user wanted to use.
Select the network interface for registering. If Mega Pixel IP Camera connects to the
Internet via a PPPoE connect, please use the ppp0 interface.
Host Name:
In put the host name (alias) that the user creates on the service provider’s web site.
User Name/Password:
Enter the account information for login the DDNS service.
OK button:
Press “OK” button for apply the configurations.