HP_4E2-INS-LAB-RevA21 7
WARNING: The use of accessories, transducers, and cables other than those specified by
the manufacturer may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the Hausted
equipment. GF cables and accessories include motor cables, mains cable, pendant cables,
and back up battery and cable.
WARNING: This equipment should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other
equipment. If adjacent or stacked use with other equipment is necessary, this Hausted
equipment and the other equipment should be observed to verify that they are operating
WARNING: The EMISSIONS characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in
industrial areas and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A). If it is used in a residential environment
(for which CISPR 11 class B is usually required) this equipment might not offer adequate
protection to radio frequency communication services. The user might need to take
mitigation measures, such as relocating or reorienting the equipment.