Sprayer does not run at all
Display shows CODE 05
Control is commanding motor to
run but motor shaft does not rotate.
Possibly locked rotor condition, an
open connection exists between
motor and control, there is a
problem with motor or control
board, or motor amp draw is
1.Remove pump and try to run
sprayer. If motor runs, check for
locked or frozen pump or drive train.
If sprayer does not run, continue to
step 2.
2.Set sprayer to OFF and disconnect
power to sprayer.
3.Disconnect motor connector(s) from
control board socket(s). Check that
motor connector and control board
contacts are clean and secure. If
contacts are clean and secure,
continue to step 4.
4.Set sprayer to OFF and spin motor
fan 1/2 turn. Restart sprayer. If
sprayer runs, replace control board.
If sprayer does not run, continue to
step 5.
Perform Spin Test:
Test at large
4-pin motor field connector.
Disconnect fluid pump from
sprayer. Test motor by placing a
jumper across pins 1 & 2. Rotate
motor fan at about 2 revolutions per
second. A cogging resistance to
motion should be felt at the fan.
The motor should be replaced if no
resistance is felt. Repeat for pin
combinations 1 & 3 and 2 & 3. Pin 4
(the green wire) is not used in this
test. If all spin test is positive,
continue to step 6.
What to Check
How to check
Green Blue Red Black