• Pressing the encoder once brings up the character cursor. From here, rotate the knob to position the cur-
sor under the character you wish to edit.
• Press the encoder again to enter edit. Rotate the knob until the desired character is displayed. Press the
encoder again to enter the desired character and get back to the cursor.
• Once all of the desired changes are complete, move the cursor back to the “<” and press the encoder to
initiate the name change.
<figure - editing the input name>
If the setup mode is changed or exited prior to selecting the “<”, any modifications to the name will be
The volume level of each input can be matched by adjusting the level offset on each input.
When an input is selected, this offset is added to the to all the signal paths using this input.
The input level offset range is +/- 20dB in 0.5dB steps. This setting allows for precise matching of loud-
nes between various input sources.
This parameter allows the meter output (when the dac/sub/mtr output is configured as
the meter output) to be enabled or disabled based on input source. The default is enabled.
This parameter allows users to select between the standard unbalanced line input and the
optional RIAA phono input. For units without the optional RIAA phono module installed, selecting phono
will have no effect.
The clocksource can be independently selected for each digital input. Available options
are current input and wordclock. When the clock source matches the input name, the DAC is clocked off
the recovered digital audio clock. When wordclock is selected, the DAC is clocked off the wordclock input.
The USB input provides the clocksource options of internal, wordclock, ADAT and TOS/S/PDIF/AES. The
clocksource for the USB input from either of the TOS/S/DIF/AES options will be the last of those three
previously selected. So with the USB input selected, select one of those 3 inputs (TOS/S/DIF/AES), then
return to the USB input to enter that input as the clocksource.
The USB controller in the m905 is configured for two channels of audio from
the host computer and 10 channels to the host computer. All channels in both directions must be at the
same sample rate. The sample rate is requested by the host computer but the m905 can be locked to
one of the available clock sources (listed above). When the m905 is monitoring a USB source the internal
clock circuitry is used for the USB. However, when the m905 is monitoring a digital input other than the
USB input, the internal clock circuitry is switched to that input and the USB controller is kept “alive” with
an auxilary clock. This ensures that the computer continues to recognize the m905 as an audio device. In
this situation the USB clock and the s-Lock clock will not be synchronous and the 10 channels going to the
computer will not be synchronous with the ADAT or AES/TOSLINK/SPDIF source, which will result in data
corruption on those channels.
If it is required that the 10 channels to the computer not be interrupted in any
way, then the m905 must be monitoring the USB without being changed to other digital inputs.
It is possible
to switch the m905 to an analog source, since that will not cause a change in clocking in the digital sec-