all of the adjustable system parameters, while still having access to most of the normal mode features.
<figure - Setup Screen>
From this screen, pushing any hardware switch will enter that features individual setup menu. From
here, rotating the knob clockwise moves the white highlighted selection down. Rotating it counter-
clockwise moves the white highlighted selection up. In some cases there may be more parameters than
can be displayed at one time on the screen. If this is the case, the display indicates this by placing a little
up or down arrow on the right edge of the display.
<figure setup screen selection >
Unless otherwise noted, pressing the knob enters the parameter edit mode. This is indicated by the
parameter changing from black to red on the display. Rotating the knob in edit mode modifies the se-
lected parameter. Pressing the knob again exits edit mode and returns to the parameter selection menu.
The system remembers the last selected parameter in each setup mode and returns to that setting
when each setup mode is entered.
In the following sections, each of the controls and features of the setup mode will be detailed.
All system setup parameters are stored in non-volatile memory. At any point the setup mode can be
exited with the following actions:
• Press and release the setup button to save all setup parameters, exit setup mode and return to normal
• Press and hold the setup button to cancel all setup changes, exit setup mode and return to normal opera-
While in setup mode, pressing any of the input buttons selects that input source for the monitoring
path (exactly as it does in normal mode) and also brings up the setup information for that input source.
The following details each of the input source setup parameters.
This parameter allows the user to customize the displayed name for each input source. For
this parameter, the control is a little different, but you will remember how to do this from getting the high
score on asteroids.