unpackIng InStallIng your m904 SyStem
The m904 is shipped in one box, an m904b sysTem in TWo boxes. box 1 conTains:
the m904 mainframe unit
AC power cord
small plastic bag containing four self-adhesive rubber feet
warranty registration card
Grace Design literature for your reading pleasure
m904b box 2 conTains:
the remote control unit (m904 RCU)
25’ remote cable
remote unit height/angle adjustment legs
small plastic bag containing four self-adhesive rubber feet
open and inspecT The boxes
Open all shipping boxes, carefully remove the m904 system components and put them aside. Before you go any
further, check to make sure the above listed components are included with your shipment. If you believe some-
thing is missing, contact your friendly Grace Design dealer and they will make sure you’re taken care of.
saVe yoUR boxes!!
We strongly encourage you to save all of the boxes and shipping materials supplied with your m904. They are
specially designed to properly protect these valuable components, and in the unlikely event that you need to
return them for service, only these OEM shipping materials can ensure their safe return to our factory.
ReGisTeR yoUR UniT
Also, we strongly urge you to register your unit with grace design. We provide a limited 5 year warranty on all of
our products, but if you don’t register your system it’s hard for us to help you if and when help becomes neces-
sary. So please take a few minutes to complete the enclosed warranty registration card and mail it in, or simply
go to the warranty registration form on our web site. Thank you!
connectIng the
Okay, let’s get started in making the necessary connections to get your m904 up and running. First thing to do
is mount the m904 in a rack. If you’re not rack mounting the unit, you should attach the supplied rubber feet on
each corner of the bottom cover so you won’t scratch it or the surface you place it on.
poWeR connecTions
The Disconnect Device for the m904 / m904b system is the Mains plug. The Disconnect
Device must remain accessible and operable. The power supply cord supplied with the
m904 must be connected to a mains outlet with a protective earthing connection.
checK line VolTaGe seTTinGs (seRial nUmbeRs 94001 - 940306)
The IEC power entry module has been set from the factory to operate at the voltage required for your part of the
world. However, it’s important to double-check this in order to ensure no damage will come to the unit if power
is applied and the setting is incorrect.