grace design
owner’s manual
aCCessInG and usInG The submenu
The m902 features a number of useful functions that can be accessed and adjusted using the
submenu feature.
To access the m902 submenu, simply press and hold the rotary encoder button. Once the m902 has
entered the submenu, you will see the 7-segment display change to reflect the currently activated
submenu mode.
To navigate through the available submenu modes, simply press and release the rotary encoder
button, which will scroll you through the available modes. Once the last mode is reached, pressing
again will loop you back to the first mode.
To exit the submenu at any time, press and hold the rotary encoder button. The 7-segment display
will switch back to the current output level once the submenu has been exited. Note: When the
submenu is exited, the last mode you were in will be the first mode activated the next time you enter
the submenu. This allows quick access to the parameter you are currently adjusting.
BalanCe MoDe -
The m902 offers individual Left-Right balance control for both the HEADPHONE
and LINE outputs. Once in the m902 submenu, balance mode is indicated by the speaker symbol in
the 7-segment display. Note: The m902 stores the balance level settings for both the headphone and
line outputs in non-volatile memory and recalls these upon each power up.
The front panel LED indicates the currently selected output. This is the output of which you have
balance control over. To adjust the balance for the output not selected, you must first exit the
submenu, select the other output and re-enter the submenu.
activating balance mode
Balance control of 6dB (in 0.5dB increments) is available for both outputs. When no balance offset
has been made, both the left and right speaker symbols are shown in the 7-segment display.
Turning the rotary encoder clockwise results in a balance adjust to the right. This will be indicated
by the right facing speaker symbol changing to the corresponding balance offset value.
Turning the rotary encoder counter-clockwise results in a balance adjust to the left. This will be
indicated by the left facing speaker symbol changing to the corresponding balance offset value.
If at any time you wish to restore the default (0) balance offset, simply return the balance control to
center and this new setting will be saved. Balance settings are preserved whenever the m902 is power
- The m902 features a highly readable user interface that gives the user all
pertinent information. Situations may exist, however, when the user wishes to turn off this display. This
is accomplished in the DISPLAY DIMMER mode. With the display dimmer turned off, the interface
display functions without interruption. With the display dimmer enabled, the displays will extinguish
after 4 seconds of inactivity. Any change made by the user or system change (sample rate or s-Lock