13. Method to Set Time Zone
Command Format: 896xxxxDnn
Notes: xxxx stands for a 4-digit password, D depends on E,/W,
For example, sending the command
, means East
For example sending the commend
means West
14. Electronic Fence Function
(1)GPS Fence Function
The guardian could get the center spot of a fence through Google map or single inquiry.
Set Fence Format: # command number (751) # fence radius # sampling interval #
longitude # latitude # user password ##.
After the setup is successful, the mobile phone will receive a piece of ‘&751&succeful
setting&&’. Then, each time when the ward leaves this area, the terminal will send the
alarming information of being out of the fence to the center number.
(2) Fence Reading Function
Send commands to the terminal: # command number (752) # user password 4 digits
##; after the command is set successfully, the terminal will read the data of the module
fence working status and return message to the sending mobile phone, or PASSWORD
ER if the password is wrong.
Where, open: 1 indicates fence open; Open: 0 indicates fence closed;
lat:11456.209400, latitude;
lng: 2233.470100; longitude;
distance: 500; fence radius;
time: 5 sampling interval;
status: 2, terminal has obtained valid satellite data, fence works normally;
status: 1, fence open, but there are no valid satellite data have been received;
status: 0, no electronic fence is set.
(3) Function of Canceling Fence
Command name:
# command number (760) # user password 4-digits ##