Cleaning your Cupcake & Muffin Maker
Follow these simple steps to clean and maintain your Cupcake & Muffin
Maker after every use:
1. Turn your Cupcake & Muffin Maker OFF by un-plugging it from the
2. Allow the machine to completely cool down.
3. Clean the top and bottom casing with a soft damp cloth and then
dry with a kitchen/paper towel.
4. Open the Cupcake & Muffin Maker and wipe away any excess
mixture with a soft damp cloth and then dry with a kitchen/paper
towel. Make sure that each cavity on the top and bottom baking
plates are thoroughly cleaned and dried.
5. Once your Cupcake & Muffin Maker is clean and dry it is ready to be
packed back in its box ready for the next use.
immerse the Cupcake & Muffin Maker in water, other liquids, or
use in a dishwasher. There is danger to life due to a risk of electric shock.
use abrasive cleaning agents or sharp objects (e.g. scrubbing
brush or a knife) for cleaning.