Device Description HG G-19603ZA | English, Revision 03 | Date: 31.03.2021
Hardware – Chapter 5
The sensor receives the turnoff commands via its digital inputs (see above) or via the
main menu of the service program (for testing the turnoff function, you can select
the track via the menu, see 6.4 on page 25). The command has to be sent before the
sensor detects the second track. It should be reset shortly after the turnoff. Due to
optimized algorithms the magnet sensor stays centered over the chosen track
during turnoffs.
As shown in Figure 14 at turnoffs the direction should either be set to the direction
of the turnoff or the opposite direction. Since there is no turnoff in the opposite di
rection the sensor then steers the vehicle straight on.
Random behavior of the track guidance
If at a junction the digital input is set to straight the behavior of the track
guidance is random.
Switch to a dedicated direction (left/right) before reaching turnoffs.